Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Meguri My First EyeLash Extension Experience (Sponsored)

Lashes are something I just cannot live without!
But honestly, they are a little troublesome to put on, especially when your rushing xD
So, when Miss Keiko from Meguri asked me if I want to try out their eyelash extensions, I immediately said yes!

My normal go to school look, as you can see, not much lashes eh.... and I'm just too lazy on put mascara

Bad  quality phone photo xD
You can't see my lashes at all T_T

Before Miss Keiko starts, she'll ask you to chose from 2 types of lashes, the natural one or the more curly and thicker one

Then, she'll ask what kind of effect you want and how long you want them to be
There's about 5 or 6 lengths to chose from(or 7 I can't remember) xD

And just leave the rest to her!
You're in good hands trust me xD

I wanted something natural so she suggested that I used the natural lashes and build up the intensity from short to long and add a little extra in the center of my eyes 

These are the before photos so you guys can compare later on (:

Miss Keiko put surgery tap on and under my eyes, don't worry it doesn't hurt when you pull them out at all xD

She sticks the lashes very carefully one by one and it was so comfortable I actually fell asleep xD

Totally painless~~

And when I woke up
I have beautiful looking lashes! 

Super natural, they look just like my own xD 
Eyes a little red cause they're dry, don't wear contacts to sleep hahah

If you like Korean makeup, this is the kind of lashes I would recommend you to go for but if you want something more dolly and cute, the the thicker lashes are probably what you'll prefer (:

Now to answer some of your questions xD

1. How long do they last?

3 weeks to 1 month tops

2. Do they fall off easily?

Honestly, I did my extensions last Saturday and only 1 lash has fallen off since
it's all about how you take care of them

3. When they fall, will it make your own lashes fall too?

Nope, it will not unless you pull the lashes out yourself 

4.  Are they uncomfortable?

I don't actually feel anything unless I want to rub my eyes
So no, they're not uncomfortable

5. How to maintain them?

Well one, don't rub them 
two, if your using oil based eye makeup remover, switch to water or gel based ones instead

6. Can I still put on eye makeup?

You can still put on make up as normal just that you don't need to apply mascara or false eyelash anymore xD 

And this is Miss Keiko Higuchi

You can call or sms her at +65 8525 7879 to book an appointment
or visit their website here to see what else they offer because, they have facials, body menu as well!
And trust me, if you see Miss Keiko's skin, you'll want to do her facial xD

They have a Facebook page as well so click here and you'll never miss their promotions 

 Their opening hours are from Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 9pm
 (closed on mondays and public holidays)

Their address
30 Merchant Road #02-05/06 Riverside Point
Singapore 058282

Its located at Clarke Quay, just above Jumbo Seafood restaurant 

Now, a few more spams of photos cuz I'm really loving my eyelash extensions xD

 Right now, Meguri is having a special Christmas promotion

Rice Bran / Cleanging Facial  $140 → $80

まつ毛エクステ Eyelash Extension  80本 $80 → $60
                 100本 $100→ $70

まつ毛パーマ Eyelash Parming $60 → $50

What are you waiting for?!

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Face Shop Top Girl 2014 - Korea Trip Day 3

Our last day in Seoul, Anber had to leave early cause her flight is in the afternoon 
so we had to go on without her )):

So anyways, we went to the Korea House to have lunch and tried cooking korean food, Sungchae Dumpling and Seasoned Bamboo Shoots with Ripe Persimmon and even got to wear the Hanbok

Group photo with Miss Diane! <3

Mika and Sonia <3

Sonia and I <3

Sonia and her selfie stick xD 

Me wearing the Hanbok

After trying on the Hanbok, we learnt how to cook korean traditional food from the teacher xD

Then we had lunch with two of the Face Shop Korea's people and they were so nice! >o<

Only managed to take 2 photos of the food but they were really delicious! >0<

Coffee after lunch~~ tea actually xD

Mika and her Cheon Song-yi coffee pose xD 

Took a walk around the park near the Korea House 

Here's Mika on a stone hahah and Miss Diane in the background xD

Cause the sunlight was too nice so must take selfies xD

Mika baby <3

I'm not sure what is pose is called xD hahha

My failed yoga pose xD

Then we went back to the Korea house and did an interview and Mika and I went exploring cause we played rock, paper, scissors earlier and Sonia lost so she had to go first for the interview  xD 

And..... we found some really nice lamp post to take pictures with hahah 

My 'I''m not gonna touch it cause it has spiders' pose xD

One of the super nice and friendly camera oppa~ (:

He wanted to stand behind us after seeing the first photo xD hahah so cute >0<
And now my face looked the biggest -_-

With the rest of the oppas that followed us around with cameras during our trip!
Kamsahamnida oppa! (: Thank you for your patience and hard work!

To the oppa that finally smiled ^-^ hahah

Miss Diane!
Thank you for taking such good care of us! (:

And thank you again oppa for the pretty present! >0<

And that is it for my Korea trip! ><
It was such an unforgettable experience not only because of the video shoot and being able to go Korea but because I got to meet so many incredible people and became friends with them (:
So thank you again Face Shop for giving me the opportunity and opened a new door for me 

 We are all in different countries right now but it's definitely not the end of our friendship because.... they're coming to Singapore next month xD HAHAHAH
okay maybe, most probably they are xD 
cause we were all talking about it

Anyways, this trip has been incredible and gave me more than I could imagine (:
It's really weird how we just connected and form such a strong bond in just a couple of days 

And this 2 are our last photos (Mika and I) together before we part at the airport (:
Miss this girl sooo much! T_T

BUT, we made plans with each other already muhahahah *smirk*
Singapore and Korea xD
I can't wait! >< 

XOXO Rachel.L