Saturday, August 17, 2013

3CE product review & 3 Ways to do a Korean Gradient Lip

So, as promised a Korean Gradient Lips Tutorial!

This are the 3 ways that I use most often and frankly the techniques are all very similar xD

You don’t have to use the exact same lipstick colour that I am using to do this tutorial. Something similar will do.

So, let’s get started!

These are the products we are going to use today.

1)    Vaseline

2)    Bobbi brown Face Touch Up Stick In Warm Beige

3)    3 Concept Eyes #402 Fuchsia

4)    Ettuais Lip Essence

5)    Peripera Tint Lip in #02 Orange

6)    3 Concept Eyes #405 Glass Pink

7)    Channel Rouge Coco Shine #62 Monte-Carlo
For the first look, we are going to use 3CE #402 Fuchsia to create the gradient lips

Step 1: Apply Vaseline to your lips to make them soft and moist for smoother application of the lipstick later on

Step 2: Apply concealer to your lips to cover up your original lip colour  

Step 3, Apply Fuchsia to the inner part of your lips and blend outwards

And we’re done with our look number 1!

Moving on to our second look, we are going to

use the tip tint and clear lip gloss

Repeat step 1 and 2

Step 3: Apply the orange lip tint onto the inner part of your lips and blend outwards.
Step 4: Apply a layer of clear lip gloss over your lips

And that is the second way to do a Korean Gradient Lips!

And moving on to the third look, we are going to
 use 3CE #405 Glass Pink and Channel Rouge
Coco Shine #62 Monte-Carl

Repeat step 1 and 2 again

Step 3: Apply Glass Pink onto your lips
Step 4: Apply Monte-Carl onto the inner part of your lips and blend outwards

This are my 3  ways to do a Korean Gradient Lips

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial!

Now for the product review, the two 3CE lipsticks' color are really gorgeous and they are not too dry but I still suggest that you apply lip blam before applying lipstick.


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